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Git Commands Cheat Sheet

 Here are some basic Git commands:



git add <file>Adds a specific file to the staging area.
git add . or git add –allAdds all modified and new files to the staging area.
git statusShows the current state of your repository, including tracked and untracked files, modified files, and branch information.
git status –ignoredDisplays ignored files in addition to the regular status output.
git diffShows the changes between the working directory and the staging area (index).
git diff <commit1> <commit2>Displays the differences between two commits.
git diff –staged or git diff –cachedDisplays the changes between the staging area (index) and the last commit.
git diff HEADDisplay the difference between the current directory and the last commit
git commitCreates a new commit with the changes in the staging area and opens the default text editor for adding a commit message.
git commit -m “<message>” or git commit –message “<message>”Creates a new commit with the changes in the staging area and specifies the commit message inline.
git commit -a or git commit –allCommits all modified and deleted files in the repository without explicitly using git add to stage the changes.
git notes addCreates a new note and associates it with an object (commit, tag, etc.).
git restore <file>Restores the file in the working directory to its state in the last commit.
git reset <commit>Moves the branch pointer to a specified commit, resetting the staging area and the working directory to match the specified commit.
git reset –soft <commit>Moves the branch pointer to a specified commit, preserving the changes in the staging area and the working directory.
git reset –hard <commit>Moves the branch pointer to a specified commit, discarding all changes in the staging area and the working directory, effectively resetting the repository to the specified commit.
git rm <file>Removes a file from both the working directory and the repository, staging the deletion.
git mvMoves or renames a file or directory in your Git repository.

Git Commit (Updated Commands)

Here are some of the updated commands for Git commit:



git commit -m “feat: message”Create a new commit in a Git repository with a specific message to indicate a new feature commit in the repository.
git commit -m “fix: message”Create a new commit in a Git repository with a specific message to fix the bugs in codebases
git commit -m “chore: message”Create a new commit in a Git repository with a specific message to show routine tasks or maintenance.
git commit -m “refactor: message”Create a new commit in a Git repository with a specific message to change the code base and improve the structure.
git commit -m “docs: message”Create a new commit in a Git repository with a specific message to change the documentation.
git commit -m “style: message”Create a new commit in a Git repository with a specific message to change the styling and formatting of the codebase.
git commit -m “test: message”Create a new commit in a Git repository with a specific message to indicate test-related changes.
git commit -m “perf: message”Create a new commit in a Git repository with a specific message to indicate performance-related changes.
git commit -m “ci: message”Create a new commit in a Git repository with a specific message to indicate the continuous integration (CI) system-related changes.
git commit -m “build: message”Create a new commit in a Git repository with a specific message to indicate the changes related to the build process.
git commit -m “revert: message”Create a new commit in a Git repository with a specific message to indicate the changes related to revert a previous commit.

Branching and Merging

Here are some Git branching and merging commands:



git branchLists all branches in the repository.
git branch <branch-name>Creates a new branch with the specified name.
git branch -d <branch-name>Deletes the specified branch.
git branch -aLists all local and remote branches.
git branch -rLists all remote branches.
git checkout <branch-name>Switches to the specified branch.
git checkout -b <new-branch-name>Creates a new branch and switches to it.
git checkout — <file>Discards changes made to the specified file and revert it to the version in the last commit.
git merge <branch>Merges the specified branch into the current branch.
git logDisplays the commit history of the current branch.
git log <branch-dDisplays the commit history of the specified branch.
git log –follow <file>Displays the commit history of a file, including its renames.
git log –allDisplays the commit history of all branches.
git stashStashes the changes in the working directory, allowing you to switch to a different branch or commit without committing the changes.
git stash listLists all stashes in the repository.
git stash popApplies and removes the most recent stash from the stash list.
git stash dropRemoves the most recent stash from the stash list.
git tagLists all tags in the repository.
git tag <tag-name>Creates a lightweight tag at the current commit.
git tag <tag-name> <commit>Creates a lightweight tag at the specified commit.
git tag -a <tag-name> -m “<message>”Creates an annotated tag at the current commit with a custom message.

Remote Repositories

Here are some Git remote repositories commands:



git fetchRetrieves change from a remote repository, including new branches and commit.
git fetch <remote>Retrieves change from the specified remote repository.
git fetch –pruneRemoves any remote-tracking branches that no longer exist on the remote repository.
git pullFetches changes from the remote repository and merges them into the current branch.
git pull <remote>Fetches changes from the specified remote repository and merges them into the current branch.
git pull –rebaseFetches changes from the remote repository and rebases the current branch onto the updated branch.
git pushPushes local commits to the remote repository.
git push <remote>Pushes local commits to the specified remote repository.
git push <remote> <branch>Pushes local commits to the specified branch of the remote repository.
git push –allPushes all branches to the remote repository.
git remoteLists all remote repositories.
git remote add <name> <url>Adds a new remote repository with the specified name and URL.

Git Comparison

Here are some Git comparison commands:



git showShows the details of a specific commit, including its changes.
git show <commit>Shows the details of the specified commit, including its changes.

Git Managing History

Here are some Git managing history commands:



git revert <commit>Creates a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by the specified commit.
git revert –no-commit <commit>Undoes the changes introduced by the specified commit, but does not create a new commit.
git rebase <branch>Reapplies commits on the current branch onto the tip of the specified branch.


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