The keyboard shortcuts to copy, cut, and paste can be boiled down into three characters that utilize Vim-specific terminology. Understanding these terms will help you recall the correct keyboard shortcut. Y stands for “yank” in Vim, which is conceptually similar to copying. D stands for “delete” in Vim, which is conceptually similar to cutting. P stands for “put” in Vim, which is conceptually similar to pasting. I deliberately use the phrase “conceptually similar to” because these actions are not one and the same. If you want to dive deeper into this explanation, scroll down to the section below titled “What Happens Under the Hood?” Copy, Cutting, and Pasting in Vim/Vi - The Basics 1.Press esc to return to normal mode. Any character typed in normal mode will be interpreted as a vim command. 2.Navigate your cursor to the beginning of where you want to copy or cut. 3.To enter visual mode, you have 3 options. We suggest using visual mode because the selected characters are highlighted, an...
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