Console Games.. Woww.. My mind travels back to the 8 bit era where I played the tennis with my uncle & cousin's son for hours together. It was a great game requiring a lot of hand to eye co-ordination & quick reflexes !!
I loved the arcade games such as star galaxy & the car races in the gaming parlors of Mumbai.
It definitely ranks as the best 8 bit game for me ! There were others such as Baseball.. Super Mario... Donkey Kong.. & Wrestling to name a few.
A special mention to the Nintendo's F1 racing game which was an all-time favorite for me. Also cannot forget the mach rider bike racing game where you could smash your opponent's bike.
We played all this in our Nintendo 8 bit gaming console.
Then cam the 16 bit era where Brian Lara Cricket & The Jungle book were two of the greatest games using which I have spent days on end with my cousins in Mumbai & Bangalore game parlours. We got lucky to get our own SEGA 16 bit gaming console where we could spend some of the most enjoyable summer vacation times.
During the late nineties PC gaming gained a lot of attention as lots of 3D games were being developed for the Windows 98 platform. Of course there were a host of DOS games which I played during 94-96 era such as Dave, pac man, prince of persia, tarzan, Wolfemstien & Aladin.
Then the 3d gaming on windows platform took over the scene. I remember Need for Speed 2 that we played which would give us sheer adrenaline rush just by pressing those keyboard buttons !! NFS2 with mp3 music playing in the background was bliss !!
Cricket 2000 was one of the best game which I enjoyed playing with my bro & my new engineering classmates. There was also the Mortal Combat & Street Fighter games that were there to satisfy our alter egos by kicking & punching the opponents in the game.
Then cam ethe survival horr game series. Shadow Man is one of the most scariest games which I ever played. Hidden & Dangerous & Soldier of Fortune were one of the best war games of the early 2000 era.
There was Doom 3D & Quake 3 Arena series providing feed for our shooting game thirst.
The Grand Theft Auto 4 is my latest fling with PC gaming in the recent past since last year.
To be continued.. coming up. the PS2 era experience.
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