This is a growing list of Linux commands which might come handy for the newbies of Linux. 1. Found out i had to set the date like this: # date -s 2007.04.08-22:46+0000 2. Mounting sudo mount -t cifs // < pingable_host_or_ip > / < win_share_name > /build -o user= ,domain= ,uid=string,gid=string 3. To install linux packages from internet (ubuntu only) apt-get install 4. To determine what ports the machine is currently listening on netstat -an | grep -i listen | less 5. Find in files in Linux find . | xargs grep 'string' -sl 6. To become superuser/root sudo -i 7. To find a running process using name ps -aef | grep "searchstring" 8. Alt + F2 opens run window in RHEL 9. To access windows share from linux smb:// /d$ 10. To know the last reboot date & time $ last reboot | head -1 11. To install RPM packages in RHEL rpm -ivh 12. To un-install RPM package in ...
The podcast is auto-generated by is a blog created by Madhukar Rupakumar where he shares his insights and findings on various technology-related topics. [1] The blog features articles categorized by labels such as ".NET", "AI", "Apple products", "Blockchain", "Cloud technology", and many more. [2] Rupakumar, a Principal Systems Engineer at Hewlett Packard Enterprise with expertise in storage products, uses his platform to discuss a wide array of subjects related to technology and software. [1] The blog contains posts covering topics like:Linux commands for beginners. [3] Interview preparation guides for software engineers. [4] Free AI/ML LLM Fundamentals Courses. [5] Cloud computing and data storage terminology. [6] Free courses on various topics such as Generative AI, React, Angular, SEO, and data science. [7] Learning resources for data structures and algorithms. [8] The blog also...